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Future meetings:

All Families of Denison Montessori (FDM) meetings will held 3rd Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in the Dr. Martha Urioste Library. Please come to the South side doors of the building and knock on the doors that go to the library.

  Please join us and bring your ideas to make our school shine!

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Families of Denison Montessori is comprised of parents, staff and community members who are committed to providing supplemental funding to improve our children’s future.

Contact us to volunteer or receive more info about the FDM and what participation means for our children. 

Passive ways to donate at no cost to you!

1.Login to your King Soopers or City Market account.

2. Search for Families of Denison Montessori or GQ371 then click Enroll.

3.New users will need to create an account.
Participants must swipe their registered King Soopers or City Market loyalty card or use the phone number when shopping for each purchase to count. FDM will receive a % of your purchases! It adds up!

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